Sunday 30 May 2021

Porpora - Orlando (Juan Bautista Otero) [2CDs]

Nicola Porpora (1686-1768)


Version in four parts by Juan Bautista Otero according "Orlando furioso" by Ludovico Ariosto

performed by

Robert Expert, countertenor (Orlando)

Olga Pitarch, soprano (Medoro)

Betsabee Haas, soprano (Angelica)

Real Compania Opera de Camara

(on period instruments)

Juan Bautista Otero, dir.

Edition: K617 2005
Recording: La Chapelle Royale du Palais Royal d'Aranjuez, Spain, 5/2005
TT: 121'06''
'Orlando' is an operatic masterpiece by the Neapolitan Composer Nicola Porpora (1686-1768) who left an indelible mark on the 18th century and the careers of its greatest masters, from Hasse, Jommelli and Handel to Joseph Haydn, who was his pupil in Vienna. Against the background of the old Carolingian epic, the valiant knight Roland is transformed here into a lover before becoming 'Orlando furioso' in this encounter of three mythical figures: Ariosto, Metastasio and Porpora. The gamut runs from epic to tragedy in this vibrant, crackling performance under the inspired direction of Juan Bautista Otero.