Saturday 27 February 2021

Gorczycki - Opera omnia (Musicae Antiquae Collegium Varsoviense, Kai Baumann) [2CDs]

Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki (ca 1665-1734)

Opera omnia

performed by

Olga Pasiecznik, soprano

Marta Boberska, soprano

Jan Monowid, alto

Zdzislaw Kordyjalik, tenor

Jaroslaw Brek, bass

Chamber Choir of the Warsaw Chamber Opera

Musicae Antiquae Collegium Varsoviense

(on period instruments)

Kai Baumann, dir.

Edition: Pro Musica Camerata 2004
Recording: Witold Lutoslawski Concert Studio, Warsaw, 1/2004
TT: 97'32''

Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki was a Polish Baroque composer. Considered one of the greatest composers of Polish Baroque music, during his lifetime he was called the "Polish Handel".
Gorczycki wrote mainly church music: unaccompanied compositions for choir, sometimes with b.c. accompaniment in the stile antico (motets, masses, songs), as well as vocal-instrumental works with b.c. accompaniment in the stile moderno featuring rich, concertato technique, multi-sectional and verse sacred concertos as well as ensemble cantatas.