Friday 28 May 2021

Monteverdi - Vespro della Beata Vergine, 1610 (Charivari Agreable, Edward Higginbottom) [2CDs]

Claudio Monteverdi

Vespro della Beata Vergine, 1610

performed by

Nicholas Mulroy, Thomas Hobbs, tenors

Choir of New College Oxford

Charivari Agreable

(on period instruments)

Edward Higginbottom, dir.

Edition: novum / New College Oxford 2010
Recording: St Michael's Church, Summertown, Oxford, 7/2009
TT: 90'30''

"Edward Higginbottom draws wonderfully elegant and naturally expressive singing from his choir at New College, Oxford. This is the New College sound, and it serves the music very well indeed. The instrumental playing from the Oxford-based Charivari Agr̩able is, frankly, gorgeous ... It seems astonishing that this brand new release Рthe first on the New College label Рcomes at mid price. And time and again I find myself coming back to this recording for its natural, unforced elegance and its finely controlled instrumental playing." -Simon Heighes, BBC Building a Library, Dec 2010